A week of workshops, group discussion and collaboration led by artist Harun Morrison

The Spring Creative Lab was a week-long programme of workshops, group discussion and collaboration led by artist Harun Morrison which took place during the Easter break.
Over the week, young people aged 15-24 from the local area explored the site for the future garden city, received presentations from architects and city planners, and took part in hands-on workshops with invited artists to look at and discuss strategies for creating a sustainable city in Ebbsfleet.
Activities included:
→ An introduction to Ebbsfleet and a visit to the site of the future city, guided by architects and designers working on the plans.
→ Thinking about ‘How living on water can affect how we live on land’, and Non-Representational Model-Making As Thinking with artist Harun Morrison.
→ Exploring 3D Model Making with Harun Morrison, and looking at how permaculture principles could be applied in the city with writer, activist and permaculture expert Graham Burnett.
→ Reflecting on the visit to the site, using analogue photographs, textures and objects collected during the visit with artist Laurence Harding.
→ Looking at bees, biodiversity and designing healthy landscapes with artists, educators and beekeepers, Lily Hunter Green and Andrea Ku, and thinking about the question: ‘What if a city is designed with bees in mind?’
→ Building an electric flower from e-waste in a wrekshop with electronic artist Paul Granjon, looking at how a city can be built with a DIWO (Do-It-With-Others) spirit and thinking about how a future city can plan for e-waste.
→ Using the basic principles of fermentation and food systems to explore city design with Inês Neto dos Santos, and consider: ‘What might a regenerative food system in relation to the city look like?’